Wednesday, November 03, 2010

My Favorite Superfoods

There are some foods that pack such a nutritional punch that they're considered superfoods. I don't know about you, but I've heard this term a lot lately. So I thought I'd make a list of all my favorites. I try to eat at least one or two of these foods each day.

Chia Seeds. These seeds are very good for you. I know that you are probably thinking about the chia pet right now. But chia seeds are also a nutritious and tasty addition to your foods. Try sprinkling it on salads!

Flax seeds. I love the nutty taste of flax seeds. Here in Germany (where I am currently living) they are fond of including flax seeds in breads. I think that is a lovely idea! These seeds are a good source of healthy fats.

Berries. I've been really into elderberries and blueberries lately and both are very good for you because of the antioxidants. Elderberries are also a good cold and flu remedy.

Seaweed. I can eat seaweed right out of the package, especially nori. It is rich in minerals and very nourishing.

If you haven't tried some of these, now is a good time to start!

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Sandra said...

Hi Katherine,
Very interesting post - I wanted to let you know of another realtively new (to the USA)superfood and that is Borojo fruit

We at Nutropical ( ) are bringing borojo to America because of its unique impact on the entire human lifecycle in that it supports us from conception to fighting diseases.

The fruit has for centuries been reported to boost the libido, regulate blood sugar for diabetics, provide energy for weight loss, and is scientifically proven to be packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.

In Colombia, the borojo fruit is used as an ingredient in a drink called “jugo de amor” or “love juice” and considered as an aphrodisiac as well as an appetite suppressant and a natural source of energy. It is also reported that the fruit has a positive effect on blood sugar regulation. Furthermore, there are anecdotal reports that the fruit is used by locals to treat burns and even embalm cadavers!

More importantly, we have the hard proof of scientific studies from Rutgers University which show that borojo is very high in antioxidants and polyphenols, making it an outstanding health supplement.

The borojo fruit grows in the rainforests of Colombia and is collected when the fruit matures and falls to the ground, no trees are ever cut down or destroyed, and the fruit is never plucked from the tree, as it is not edible until fully ripened.

We turn this superhealthy raw fruit into a 100% natural concentrated capsule in our American labs and distribute it throught the USA and internationally.

Please visit our website for a lot more information

Let me know if you have found this information interesting!

buytwitterfollowers said...

Thank you for sharing to us.Please one more post about that..

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buytwitterfollowers said...

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sasha said...

My husband and I have recently started a detox and Flax seed has been an amazing tool! I have been putting it in everything. We also drink alot of lemon water.