Wednesday, November 03, 2010

My Favorite Superfoods

There are some foods that pack such a nutritional punch that they're considered superfoods. I don't know about you, but I've heard this term a lot lately. So I thought I'd make a list of all my favorites. I try to eat at least one or two of these foods each day.

Chia Seeds. These seeds are very good for you. I know that you are probably thinking about the chia pet right now. But chia seeds are also a nutritious and tasty addition to your foods. Try sprinkling it on salads!

Flax seeds. I love the nutty taste of flax seeds. Here in Germany (where I am currently living) they are fond of including flax seeds in breads. I think that is a lovely idea! These seeds are a good source of healthy fats.

Berries. I've been really into elderberries and blueberries lately and both are very good for you because of the antioxidants. Elderberries are also a good cold and flu remedy.

Seaweed. I can eat seaweed right out of the package, especially nori. It is rich in minerals and very nourishing.

If you haven't tried some of these, now is a good time to start!

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Home Air Purifiers Improve Air Quality

For most people, allergy season is over. Not for me - I seem to be plagued by them year round. Though I've never taken an allergy test, I think I may be allergic to mold.
So I finally caved in and bought an air purifier. I have to say, it's really made a big difference in how well I breathe!
Here are some tips for choosing one:
  • Buying a HEPA filter is a good first step. Those are supposed to really help control allergies.
  • Shop around to find the best deals. There are several different kinds of HEPA filters out there.
  • Decide whether you will buy it online or not. If you buy it online, stick with sellers who have good reputations, such as Amazon.
I turn it on at night year round and keep it on all day during the spring and summer. I put it in the bedroom and it really helps improve the air quality.
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